Trip around Westminster, South Bank and Southwark

To celebrate the end of term, my friends Prateek, George and I had a stroll around Westminster, South Bank and Southwark. This was my first time here and its was a great opportunity to snap a few photos.

20220326-IMG_3213.jpg The first stop was the Big Ben at the Palace of Westminster. After months of renovation, the scaffolding has been removed to reveal this shiny marvel.

20220326-IMG_3227.jpg This is Westminster Abbey where every English or British monarch since William the Conqueror was coronated.

20220326-IMG_3214.jpg War-time prime minister, Winston Churchill just around the corner from the houses of parliament.

20220326-IMG_3215.jpg This is Westminster hall which was a famed court of law. Famous cases that took place here include the state trial of William Wallace and Sir Thomas More.

20220326-IMG_3236.jpg Of course! Who could miss a passionate protest outside the parliament?

20220326-IMG_3239.jpg A closeup of the London Eye. Interestingly I found that the drive systems are located at the base of the wheel. Initially I thought that they were at the hub.

20220326-IMG_3247.jpg An interesting skateboarding spot underneath the Southbank Centre.

20220326-IMG_3242.jpg A street performer on his unicycle. He latter proceeded to remove the tennis racket stuck around his waist. Pretty painful to watch.

20220326-IMG_3275.jpg At the Tate modern museum, we were treated to amazing displays of art like this one by Cy Twombly. It covers the whole room and is pretty intense.

20220326-IMG_3276.jpg This work by Picasso in 1909 is entitled "Seated Nude". It has a cubist style meaning that different views of the subject are brought into the same picture.

20220326-IMG_3273.jpg This is a view of St Paul's Cathedral from the 3rd floor of Tate Modern.

20220326-IMG_3277.jpg A replica of Shakespeare's Globe Theatre where his plays were performed. It will be awesome to watch a play in the future.

20220326-IMG_3279.jpg These are the remains of The Great Hall from the palace of the Bishops of Winchester. It is interesting to see the style of brick/stone work over time.

20220326-IMG_3282.jpg A seaworthy replica of the Galleon that Sir Francis Drake captained his circumnavigation of the globe.

20220326-IMG_3281.jpg The Shard which is the second tallest free standing structure.

20220326-IMG_3288.jpg The mighty HMS Belfast which saw action in WWII and the Korean war.

20220326-IMG_3297.jpg Our final destination! The tower bridge.